Live Wire wants to thank The Irish Pub in Weirton, West Virginia for hosting The LIVE WIRE Christmas With Motley Crue holiday party! What a celebration we had!
We also want to thank all of our fans who came from miles around to party with us. We were totally honored when a fan told us that it was the busiest he’s seen the town of Weirton since the Steel Mill was in operation and that he was thrilled to see us bring everyone out for such a cool event.
A great night was had by all as Live Wire unleashed all the great Crue hits and even did some special requests by fans for some other 80’s hairband music. Hell, we even did a couple songs twice for latecomers. The place was absolutely rocking that night and we can’t thank all of you enough for the screams, cheering and kick ass atmosphere.
During Guy “Tommy Lee” Cole’s killer drum solo, a fan was heard by our manager saying, “I’d swear it was Tommy up there. The only thing this guy is missing is the roller coaster!” Our manager also told us that she checked out the crowd during his solo and everyone had gone totally silent and were all focused on Guy, totally mesmerized.
Dave “Nikki Sixx” Douglas was also celebrating his birthday, so he drank a fifth of Jack and barely shared with the rest of the guys, but that’s the way it usually goes and we don’t care because he still pounded that bass in true Nikki style.
Billy “Vince Neil” Greer tore it up on vocals, belting out everyone’s favorites plus a few new ones we added just for the Christmas Party. A guy at the bar commented that he had never even heard Motley Crue perform their controversial “You’re All I Need” live so it was extra cool to hear it performed that night.
And just like at a real Motley Crue show, undergarments were made into Christmas decorations, as we spotted some pink frilly thing hanging from Allen “Mick Mars” Lamacz’ guitar. Rumor has it that it was just Billy’s headband, but we know better.
The crowd was singing along and partying hard and that’s the way we like it!
Be sure to check our
VIDEOS PAGE or better yet, subscribe to our
YOUTUBE CHANNEL where we’ll be posting videos from the night and watch our
PICS PAGE for a bunch of photos we’ll be posting from the show.
We can’t wait until the next show and in the meantime, enjoy your holidays while we all try to figure out how we’re going to build a roller coaster for Guy!